This is my Six-Sentence Thursday contribution to the GirlieOnTheEdge blog. Sometimes I use these tiny flash-fiction prompts to see how far I can condense a piece of writing without losing the meaning of the story.

This one is truly worthy of a howl. Fortunately, Harold did not blow the house down, although he displaced a small portion of the foundation.

We were starting high school and I was thrashing through cobwebs in my nerdy friend Harold’s basement so I could watch his latest experiment. He had me hunker down behind a bunch of dusty old boxes while he struck a match and lit a fuse hanging out of the foundation.

“What are you doing?” I howled.

“Ten,” he said.

“Come on, Harold, you’ve set your little experiment under the sill plate of your own house.”

He finished his countdown, smoke poured out of the little hole in the foundation, I ducked behind the boxes just before I heard an explosion and a spattering of stuff, and Harold jumped up and yelled, “It worked! It worked!”