A farm boy turned soldier, a nightclub singer turned WAC, they survived the Great Depression and World War II but will they survive the peace? It’s available at Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gravy-faith-colburn/1140249302

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Struggling to act normal, whatever normal means, Connor William Conroy, just back from combat in the Southwest Pacific with shell shock, meets a girl. But he doesn’t remember how to behave—and then there are the flashbacks. Meanwhile, nightclub singer Bobbi Bowen joined the Women’s Army Corps because the nightclubs were cutting back on live entertainment and her band members were getting drafted. Now she’s building and repairing radios for B-24 Liberator bombers and singing in a nightclub when she’s off duty. And then, she meets Connor.

As a WAC, Bobbi understands Connor better than most, but he’s been through frightening experiences that may affect him for the rest of his life. He’s seen and done things she can’t even imagine. But then, Bobbi has had her own frightening experiences in nightclubs where she’s worked. Accustomed to not only noise, city lights, and glamour, she also knows poverty and despair. That’s what drove her into the nightclubs in the first place. Bobbi always thought farmers were dumb, but Connor’s given her a whole new way of thinking about them. AND his father drives a Chrysler New Yorker, so the family must be prosperous. If Bobbi knows one thing for sure, it is that she doesn’t ever want to be hungry again.

Besides, Connor’s tall, dark, and handsome. She thinks he’s The One. Does she dare give her heart to this dangerous man?