The gist of this story appears in my novel, See Willy See, to be released tomorrow, November 8, 2019. It will take a while to get to the bookstores and libraries, but it’s available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.

Stationed in Panama, training for combat, Connor dreaded his sister’s letters from Paris where she served in the U.S. Consulate and where they Nazis were poised to take over the city.

“I was just telling Daniel about the time Freckles got to snooping under the woodpile and found that nest of baby rabbits,” she wrote, “remember how we took them out of the dog’s very mouth?”

“I look in the woods here and imagine all the baby rabbits hidden in them.”

Connor smiled, remembering all their rescue missions—until he realized she was writing in code.

“Jesus!” he exploded, scrubbing his hands through already rumpled hair, glancing around at his tent mates, watching him.

“My sister’s French Resistance boyfriend is going to get her killed rescuing little Jewish bunny rabbits.”