I know I have photos of Chip, but I don’t know where I’ve put them.

Animals are marvelous and surprising creatures, aren’t they? I could cite dozens of examples, but I submit horse lips to plead my case.

They look big and rubbery, not at all subtle, yet they function almost like hands—with fingers. Have you ever fed a horse a ration that includes something she doesn’t like? When you next enter the barn, you’ll find those tiny bits in the feed trough, while the rest of the rations have disappeared. You’ll never see her make the sort.

Hold out your hand with a carrot or an apple. Your horse will hold hands with you. Those lips are warm and comforting as a handshake. (That’s assuming you don’t have an angry horse that bites.)

I’ve never quite “got” horse humor, but once upon a time my then-husband and I stood a racing quarter horse named Flying Chip Nine at stud. Sometimes he would “laugh” at us—or jeer at us, I’ve never quite decided which—with his long upper lip turned up showing his teeth.

My grandson sometimes effects that expression. In his case, I know what he’s communicating.