Here is this week’s version of the Carrot Ranch Literary Community prompt response, two days late and a dollar short. The prompt required something found in a hutch.

Those sibling fights can cause lots of damage.

Grandma Hazel and her younger sister, Edna, used to have knock-down drag-out fights. One night it centered on who would wash the dishes. After a bunch of yelling and snarling, it degenerated into hair pulling. To keep from falling, Grandma grabbed her mother’s hutch where Great-grandma Frank displayed her fancy sherbet dishes. The hutch went down, breaking all but two of the dishes.

“That’s the only time I ever saw my mother cry,” Hazel said. Grandma Frank made the girls dig a hole in the back yard and bury the broken glassware.

Sis and I have the two survivors.

I never thought to ask. The dishes may have come west with Grandma Frank’s grandmother Sicily.