This is a Girlie-on-the-Edge six sentence blog challenge post. The prompt word is journey.

Gudmundsen Ranch Road, February 2021

Martin Bay, Lake McConaughy, February 2021
  1. Covid fatigue; cabin fever; can’t stand it anymore.
  2. Photo excursion into the Sandhills
  3. Wind chill minus thirty; twelve inches of show; too cold to get out and walk; wheelbase too low to drive off road.
  4. North into the teeth of the wind, looking for road kills; photos out the car windows—open of course with wind pouring in.
  5. Trees clumps of naked grey sticks on a field of white—white earth, white sky.
  6. Then sun; on Gudmundsen Ranch Road north of Whitman; sunset on Martin Bay—frozen lake stretching as far as the I can see.