In the movies, when you buy a DVD, you can get outtakes. I will post outtakes from my current novel as I rewrite and revise. The year is 1937. In the following scene, my character, Connor William Conroy, has jumped a freight in Roseville, California so he can get back home to Nebraska. He found himself in a boxcar with three other men.

Circled around on the floor, the men went back to their card game. Skinny dealt an ace of spades, face-up, to Steelrunner, Shillelagh passed, and Skinny dealt himself a king of hearts. “I’ll deal ya in next hand,” he said to Connor.


“Five card stud. What you doin’ in Roseville anyway, kid?”

“Aw, I just finished up a couple of years in a CCC camp up at Tahoe and then I came here to see my cousins before I head for Nebraska.”

“Heard about that outfit,” said Steelrunner, throwing down his cards. “I’m out. Wha’d you do up there?”

“Oh, we built trails and campgrounds, cut some roads so people can get around.”

Skinny threw in some matchsticks. “I’ll bet two.” Skinny won the hand and turned the cards over to Connor. “Name your game.”

“Ya got jokers?”


Connor shuffled, long fingers quickly fanning the cards. “Five card stud, deuces and jokers wild.”

As the men played, they talked about their homes and where they’d been.

“I watched the fires go out in Pittsburgh,” Steelrunner said, throwing down his hand. “Full house.” He looked at the others and scooped up his collection of matchsticks.

Connor frowned. “Fires?”

“The steel mills. You could see the glow for miles around. See, there was this hill—kind of a high spot—probably a mile or more from the mills out in the country. I’d go and look sometimes when I was off work.”

“What’d you do?”

“Stove tender.”

“Stove tender?”

“Yeah. See, in the steel mills there’s this whole battery of stoves to heat the blast furnaces. I had to run them stoves. Then they went out—steel workers like me wandering the streets lookin’ kinda dazed. They didn’t give us no warning. One day the mills was runnin’ and next we was out of a job.”

“Same with Cleveland,” Skinny remarked as Connor dealt another hand. “At one time, we made a hundred fifteen different makes a’ cars in Cleveland. We was number one in automobile production. Then, cars moved mostly to Michigan and we made parts—and then, like Pittsburgh, a guy’d go to work and the gates’d be locked. Nobody around. Like a ghost town.”

“Made good money ‘fore that,” Steelrunner remarked as he picked up his cards.

Connor looked around at their faces.

“Hit me,” said Steelrunner.

“Me too,” Shillelagh growled.

Skinny knocked the floor.

“We was doin’ all right, even after the crash,” Connor said. “Pop had money in three banks—lost ‘er all. But we was growin’ crops and prices weren’t bad.”

Skinny took a card. “Had me a house and a car—a Packard—a little bit of money to lose on the ponies down at Thistledown Racetrack. Then one day I didn’t have nothin’—no job, no money, no credit. Didn’t take long to lose the car and the house. Wife’s livin’ back with her folks.” He threw down a match. “I send ‘em a little money when I can.”

“Raise ya two,” Steelrunner said, throwing in his matchsticks. “Yeah, I had me a car. Wasn’t married, but I was goin’ with this really luscious tomato. Then, boom. No job. Pretty soon no money. Then no girl.” He shrugged.

Shillelagh folded without a word.

“I’ll call,” Connor said, throwing in three matchsticks. “How about you, Shillelagh?”

The older man sucked on a matchstick for a few moments, studying his cards. “Aw,” he said, “I was a banker.”

The other three stared.

“Don’t blame me for this mess,” he said, glancing around at the others then staring at his cards. “Just had a little family bank in Arizona between Flagstaff and Kingman on Route 66. Took care of the little businesses and ranchers ‘round there. We had a few tourists come through, so there was a motel and café. We did okay for a little while, but when the markets crashed the big banks started callin’ in all the cash and we didn’t have anything to loan, so the little businesses and ranches went out of business. Then we just dried up and blew away. Can’t believe I’m talkin’ about this stuff. Bums like us don’t talk about home—’specially not with strangers.”

“Must be the kid here,” said Skinny, eying Connor who spread his hands, palms up. “I’ll call,” Skinny said.

Steelrunner threw down four aces and scooped up his winnings—again. “That CCC place musta been a good place to work.”

“The best,” said Connor. “You wake up every morning to the smell of pines and spruce and a thousand bird calls. I couldn’t name them all—even half.”

As they unrolled their bedrolls and spread their blankets, he kept talking about Tahoe. The older men listened to Connor’s tales about the woods, the kind of place they hadn’t seen lately, but they volunteered more information about themselves. Connor stretched out on his left side, facing the others with his elbow cocked and his head resting on his hand.

“We camped in the forest. I learned all kinds of stuff—how to build a shelter with a few pine boughs; how to snare a marmot, ‘course I already knew how to butcher it; how to . . . gee, all kinds of stuff.”

“Say kid,” said Steelrunner, “I heard tell about some wild man people see up there from time to time. Say he’s all hairy and great big. They call him a Sass . . . catch or something like that.”

“Sasquatch,” said Connor.

“D’you ever see one?”

“Nope. But I’ll tell ya, we had somethin’ big rustlin’ around camp at night. Had a bunch of fifty-gallon oil drums stacked at the edge of camp to fuel our tent heaters. A coupla nights we heard the loudest racket, but nobody wanted to go out in the cold to see what was goin’ on. Well, in the morning we found them damn oil drums scattered all over to hell and gone. Took a couple of guys to right ‘em and roll ‘em back. Happened a coupla times. I don’t know how one normal critter could throw them things around like that.”

“But you never saw him?”

“Nope. Nobody did. Didn’t want to climb out and look.”

“Bet you’re gonna miss that place,” said Skinny.

“You bet. Nothin’ like it. In the summer we worked down on Lake Tahoe. Went swimmin’ in that crystal, cold water . . . and listenin’ to the Truckee River running in during the night when we were all rolled up in our tents—and the pine smell.”

“Yeah,” said Skinny, “Maybe we should of stayed around there and been mountain men. I bet we could shoot or trap enough food.”

“Sure Skinny,” Shillelagh interrupted, “you know how to survive in the wilderness.”

“I could.”

“Sure you could.”

“Couldn’t be much worse’n the way we’re gettin’ by now.”

“You might be right there,” said Steelrunner. “So did you sign up for CCC in Nebraska?”

“Nah, Came out here to see my relatives. I got a job for a while, pickin’ blackberries, stickers festerin’ in my fingers all the time. Then I picked them sticky prune plums, and then avocados and then I ran out of stuff to pick. The orchards already had all their hands, so I signed up for CCC.”

When the train reaches Salt Lake City, Connor’s plans make a drastic turn-around.